Sunday, September 20, 2009

They say - Body is mortal while soul is not. Does that mean it is any less important than the soul?

I am not really a follower of spirituality, not that I am against it or anything. I have not just gotten into it as much! But the little that I know about it, they say Body is mortal, while soul is not. Does that mean it is any less important than soul?

Well if we are talking about the life beyond this world (that none of us has really seen); may be 'yes', but right here where we all live, on this earth, in this world - that doesn't seem like the case to me! I don't really have a lot to say, because others might have strong opinions about this topic. The point of my post here is not to argue against spirituality or against anyone's beliefs.

I was watching this movie the other day - Just Like Heaven - that made me ponder on this. Deep down somewhere, even I believe that we will all leave our bodies and our soul be part of the eternal power. And at the same time, I also believe in respecting the body that God has given us. We must take good care of it by exercising, giving it what it needs to stay healthy. But I had never looked at it from a different perspective.

What if our soul and body are both alive - but disconnected!!

May be it's not even possible in reality, but the movie portrayed something like this - Elizabeth met with an accident that put her into an indefinite coma. Her soul was no more connected to her body and that's what made the soul so helpless!! The body was there, lying on that hospital bed, still breathing, but totally disconnected to the soul. And there was the soul, healthy, but not able to talk to anyone (well not 100% true, but lets not add any more drama here than there already is :-) ), not able to touch anything, not able to make it visible.....Sounds funny or stupid?? Well it might be, but just think for a sec, what if this was true? Although the soul is our real being - we really need it's visible existence to connect to rest of this world. And while we are alive, its this world that we care about right and not the unseen afterlife world? Our body gives our being a visible existence and that's something we need to be able to live in this world, be able to do things, be able to give this life a meaning....

House on Water!

I have been meaning to write this a long time ago - well about 2 weeks ago to be honest! But I have been traveling crazy for the last few days. Not that I don't like traveling, I absolutely love it; but it does take a lot of time and energy. Had been sleep deprived for 2-3 weeks now. I think I am digressing a lot here - you must be wondering how the hell does all this relate to the title of this post "House on Water"....

It was the Labor Day weekend and we rented a houseboat on Lake Shasta and that's what I have been calling a house on water :-) it was soooooo much fun, I still feel at times, that I am sailing away on the waters on Lake Shasta! There were seven of us and all newbies on house-boating front. When the idea was in nascent stage, we couldn't believe that we would be captains of our own boat. Nobody else would accompany us for steering/docking/taking care of the boat. Plus the idea of staying with so many people on one boat, in one single room wasn't something usual :P

But believe me after all this nervousness and all these doubts, it was such a awesome trip! I am glad I did it and conviced other 6 to join for this nobel cause :P

We did everything - Modeling (well models pose for the pictures all the time, and the place to scenic it was almost inevitable), Swimming (so what if it was with life jackets; none of us had swum in 250 feet deep waters before), Board games (yup Settlers of Catan it was and that particular game turne dout to be so interesting we took a picture of the board at the end :P), Cooking (So what if it was just Maggie :D), Baking (Oh yes we baked a pecan pie and it came out pretty well after all the major blunders such as a mixing egg in the pie filling, replacing Cane sugar syrup with water to mention a few :-) ), Star gazing (oh it such an amazing experience lying down on the boat roof and gazing at the stars), Story telling (the ambience turned out to be pretty conducive to ghost story telling :D ).......

Oh I almost forgot to mention - it happened to be my birthday as well :)
My friends successfully hid my bday cake! Although I unloaded almost all of the food stuff from the cars, the cake managed to escape my eyes! I was pleasantly surprised to see a cake at the roof top at midnight :-)
Wow how to describe how it felt like cutting the cake on the roof of the boat admidst Lake Shasta - absolutely sensational :P

Long story short, it was one of the best trips I have made so far - the combination was just perfect (Company of awesome friends (including some very special ones :-) ), calm, soothing waters of Lake Shasta and my birthday :P)