I recently watched this movie "Hugo", that really taught me a lesson. I really enjoyed the movie in-spite of it being quite slow. The movie revolves around the life of a young boy named Hugo who likes to fix things. He got this from his dad who he loved dearly. What amazed my about that boy was the fact that even after loosing his dad to a fire accident, he was not shattered, even though his father was all he had got. His dad was a clock maker and believed that machines don't come with spare parts. They ought to work flawlessly with everything they have got. Hugo learned this from his dad and this gave him the strength to live in this brutal world all by himself. He said to himself, "This world is a big machine and since machines don't come with spare parts, he can't be a spare part. He got to have a purpose in this world." This is all that made sense and this drove him to find his purpose in this world which happened to be "Fixing things".
This deeply touched me and ended up teaching a lesson.
Often times, we draw dependence on other beings. They might be anyone; someone in our family, someone we love or even a friend. We forge a bond with them, we do things together with them, we get used to them. Even a thought of losing them in any way sounds catastrophic to us. We start having an unconscious belief about ourselves that we're incomplete somehow -- missing something without that special being in our life. We start believing that special person fills in the missing piece and makes us whole. This is a terrible situation to be in if that person is not available -- and even if they are available it makes for an unstable sense of personal identity.
But I guess we need to recognize the fact that little boy did at such a young age. That every human being has a purpose in this world. We are complete in ourselves and not a spare part in this big machine we all call The World!!
Our job in this life is to find and fulfill that purpose!
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