Monday, November 9, 2009


"My life is an open book" - a lot of us say this all the time. But do we all really mean it? For the past few days, I have been thinking if only people were more expressive; probably half the problems in our daily lives would go away! But it's one of the hardest things to do I believe. It may not result in pleasant consequences always. I like being subtle at many points, probably because that's just easy to do. May be we need the right composition of expressiveness and subtlety. Excess or dearth of both these can lead us to many problems, common among them being misunderstandings, hidden hatred, wrong opinions - sort of a cold war at times!

There are two opposite sides to it as is the case with every coin. Expression of Joy and expression of sorrow. Being expressive is hard in both cases, second being much harder than the first.

Many a times, we make a pessimistic assumption about others capabilities. Believe it or not, it's our loved ones who we feel are the weakest and thus shirk telling them everything. One reason we give to ourselves is that we don't wanna give them unnecessary tension. Second, it's always hard to come upfront with our failures, especially the people we are close with. We have a hidden fear they would start thinking less of us, they wont have the same respect as they have now, thoughts like "Oh i can just deal with it. there is no point bringing it up at home"

This starts small and adds up, as our problems start small and slowly build up into a monster!! And that's the time, we can't hide it anymore. This is the time, we portray ourselves at our worst. Biggest failures in life. We loose trust of our dear ones. We suffer and make them suffer even more. There exists unspoken tension, unspoken friction that's hard to express. We just try to put up with this mess and continue living the same way. Trying to be more expressive, but failing miserably at every point. And thus becoming out permanent habit to hide things - however small or big...

Is there a coming back? Ofcourse there is. It's never too late to do anything.
It's never too late to set things right if we have the will and if we place a little most trust in our dear ones. They are the ones who become our support system ultimately. However weak they may seem, they would come out as the strongest beings we have ever known. Isn't their still putting up with us a sign of how strong they are. They could have turned their back on us and left us at anytime.

This is the time to hold their hand, to place our trust in them, to express, to share and to sort out everything. Afterall two minds can think more than one, four hands can do more work than two, and beyond all this the morale boosts non-linearly!

But all this could be avoided if we try to be more expressive in first place. In little things and in big. Lets share, the joys and sorrows of this life - for togetherness is better than loneliness!


  1. It is true that honest expression is inevitable in a relationship. To compliment your thoughts, I think even art of intelligent litsening can boost expression. For example i have seen that people more often than not, do not express because they do not find confidence enough in others that they would understand. I myself am expressive in different levels to different people. Remember expression does not only want someone who hears but someone who litsens

  2. I can't agree more Vaneet. Yes we need to be good listeners, not just the ones who hear!!
